Automatically updating your Plex Server
Most people who run a Plex Server know the hassle of having to keep it updated! There's a wonderful tool out there to help with this process. It is available on GitHub >
Installing plexupdate
Installing plexupdate is pretty simple. If you are running in a Linux environment all you need to do is login to your server and run the following command:
bash -c "$(wget -qO -"
It will then walk you through several steps and ask questions:
* What directory to install into
* Install the lastest PlexPass releases?
* It will ask for your PlexPass Email and Password to generate a token
* Automatically install the latest release when downloaded?
* Asks to set up daily updates
* Asks if you want plexupdate to log to syslog
* Asks if you want cron to send you an email when updates are available or installed.
An example output from my environment below:
root@plex:~# bash -c "$(wget -qO -"
Directory to install into: /opt/plexupdate
Do you want to install the latest PlexPass releases? (requires PlexPass account) [Y/n] Y
To continue, you will need to provide your Plex account credentials.
Your email and password will only be used to retrieve a 'token' and will not be saved anywhere.
PlexPass Email Address: {your_plex_email}
PlexPass Password: {your_pass_here}
Would you like to automatically install the latest release when it is downloaded? [Y/n] Y
When using the auto-install option, would you like to check if the server is in use before upgrading? [Y/n] Y
Plex Server IP/DNS name:
Plex Server Port: 32400
Writing configuration file '/etc/plexupdate.conf'... done
Would you like to set up automatic daily updates for Plex? [Y/n] Y
Do you want to log the daily update runs to syslog so you can examine the output later? [N/y] n
Should cron send you an email if an update is available/installed? [Y/n] N
Writing configuration file '/etc/plexupdate.cron.conf'... done
Installing daily cron job... done
Configuration complete. Would you like to run plexupdate with these settings now? [Y/n] Y
Wrapping up
Edit 12/06/2020 - For reference - Please see how mrworf documented the proper way for this to be done > Manually installing plexupdate
Special thanks to Kevin for pointing this out to me!
One thing I noticed was the cronjob sometimes doesn't install correctly so edit crontab and install the following:
# Run plex update
4 1 * * * /usr/bin/bash /opt/plexupdate/ -a &> /dev/null
You should be good to go now and plexupdate should run nightly!